Magnetometer data of Earth’s magnetic field components (Bx, By, Bz) | CESPAR, Anchor University | Nigeria | 2025/Database | |
AKR as a Barometer for Space Weather: a new, interactive map | Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) | Ireland | 2025/Database | |
Creation of an open database of original and annotated sunspot drawings of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, accompanied by a catalog of sunspot data extracted from these historical observations | Saint-Petersburg State University | Russia | 2024/Database | Website |
Upgrade of the international GLE database by including records from non-standard detectors | University of Oulu | Finland | 2024/Database | Database |
InnerShock: A comprehensive database of shock waves observed in the inner heliosphere | University of Helsinki | Finland | 2024/Database | |
An Active Region Database for Solar Cycle Variability and Prediction | School of Space and Earth Sciences, Beihang University | China | 2024/Database | Database |
Install the first Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) database in the Southern Hemisphere | Optical Data Centre | Australia | 2023/Database | Database |
An Investigation of Properties of the Coronal Holes Producing HSSs (InProCH) | The Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy | Romania | 2023/Database | |
Coordinated investigations of the high-speed solar wind streams effect on the coupled ionosphere-plasmasphere system | Institute of Atmospheric Physics | Czech Republic | 2022/Campaign+Meeting | |
Database of the ionosonde and magnetometer data recorded during the AIEE campaign in 1992-2001 period | Abidjan | Cote d'Ivoire | 2022/Database | Website |
Argentinian-Chilean validated ionospheric database | FACET-UNT (Argentina) and Universidad Adventistia de Chile - and 2 others | Argentina and Chile | 2022/Database | |
Improvement of GLE database | University of Oulu | Finland | 2022/Database | Database |
Amplitude and Phase of very low frequency (VLF) radio data | | Nigeria | 2021/Database | Website |
STEVE Database | | Germany | 2021/Database | |
Atmospheric electricity measurements | Villum Research Station, Greenland | Denmark | 2021/Campaign | Results |
On the relationship between major space weather phenomena in solar cycles 23 and 24 | National Astronomical Observatory-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Egypt | Bulgaria and Egypt | 2020/Campaign | Publication |