Applications for the 2024 SVS Program are due 15 February 2024
The Objective: To provide training to graduate students from all countries in established laboratories of solar-terrestrial physics for periods of 1 to 3 months.
Funding: SCOSTEP will provide the airfare, while the hosting lab will provide living expenses (lodging, meals, ground transportation, visa fees and other incidentals). Trainees should have their own health insurance or arrange a provision with the host institution.
Frequency: At least four scholars each year with proposed research relevant to SCOSTEP PRESTO themes. The trainees will be selected on a competitive basis.
Eligibility: This program is open to applicants from all countries but with an emphasis on applicants from developing countries. The program is open to Masters and PhD students with the requirement that the recipient has not received a PhD at the time of application to the program.
This very successful program was launched in January 2015. More labs have come forward to host SVS awardees, as listed on the SVS Hosts page.
Application Procedure: Please download the Guidelines document for complete information on the SVS application program. The 2024 Call for SVS Applications also includes specifics for the 2024 program.
Use of AI in applications: Applicants must follow the SCOSTEP AI Guidelines if they use AI in their application package.
Recipients: Recipients of SVS Awards are listed on the SVS Recipients page.