International Science Council (ISC): President: Daya Reddy; President Elect: Peter Gluckman; Past President: Gordon McBean; Vice Presidents: Elisa Reis and Jinghai Li; Secretary: Alik Ismail-Zadeh, https://council.science
Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): President: Lennard A. Fisk; Vice-Presidents: Karl-Heinz Glassmeier and Mikhail Panasyuk; Executive Director: J.-L. Fellous, https://cosparhq.cnes.fr/
International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA): President: Mioara Mandea; Vice-Presidents: Alan Thomson and Andrew Yau; Secretary General: Monika Korte, http://www.iugg.org/IAGA/
International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS): President: Joyce Penner; Vice-Presidents: John Burrows and Mary Scholes; Secretary General: Steven Ackerman, http://www.iamas.org/
International Astronomical Union (IAU): President: Ewine F. van Dishoeck; President-Elect: Debra M. Elmegreen; Vice Presidents: Laura Ferrarese, John B. Hearnshaw, Ajit K. Kembhavi, Daneila Lazzaro, Boris M. Shustov and Junichi Watanabe; General Secretary: Maria Teresa V. T. Lago, https://www.iau.org/
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP): President: Michael Spiro; Past President: Bruce Kellar; Secretary General: Kok Khoo Phua; Secretariat: Maitri Bobba and Sun Han, http://www.iupap.org/
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG): President: Kathryn Whaler; President-Elect: Chris Rizos; Secretary General: Alexander Rudloff; Secretariat: Franz G. Kuglitsch, http://www.iugg.org/
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR): President: Steven Chown; Vice Presidents: Jefferson Cardia Simões, Catherine Ritz, Gary Wilson, and M. Ravichandran; Executive Director: Chandrika Nath, http://www.scar.org
International Union of Radio Science (URSI): President: Makoto Ando; Past President: Paul Cannon; Secretary General: Peter Van Daele, http://www.ursi.org
World Data System (WDS): Chair: Sandy Harrison; Vice Chairs: Alex de Sherbinin and Ingrid Dillo; Executive Director: Rorie Edmunds, http://www.icsu-wds.org
Affiliated Member:
Latin-American Association of Space Geophysics (ALAGE): President: Juan Valdivia; Vice President: Clezio De Nardin; Secretaries: Maria Graciela Molina and Americo Gonzalez Esparza, http://www.alage.org