SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar Series
In response to the current difficulties of hosting meetings in person, SCOSTEP/PRESTO is hosting online seminars to deliver the latest scientific topics and/or instructive review presentations on solar-terrestrial physics related to SCOSTEP’s PRESTO program. This online seminar is organized with the support of the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University, Japan. The seminar details with recordings are also available at this link.
We are pleased to announce that the SCOSTEP Fellow Award Ceremony and SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar by Dr. Jorge Chau will be held via online on April 23 (Wed – note date change), 2025.
To join the seminar, please register via the zoom address below.
Please register at least 2 days in advance for each webinar.
SCOSTEP Fellow Award Ceremony and the 27th SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar
#27 Title: Multi-Scale Studies of Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Dynamics with Radar Remote Sensing Techniques
Speaker: Dr. Jorge Chau
Affiliation: Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Rostock, Kuhlungsborn, Germany
Date/time: April 23, 2025, 13:00-14:00 UT (15:00-16:00 CEST)
Previous SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminars (recordings available courtesy of ISEE here or at the links below)
SCOSTEP Fellow Award Ceremony and the 26th SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar
#26 Title: Long-term trends in ionospheric and thermospheric climate
Speaker: Dr. Jan Lastovicka
Affiliation: Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Acad. Sci., Prague, Czechia
Date/time: February 10, 2025, 09:00-10:00 UT (10:00-11:00 CET)
The SCOSTEP Distinguished Scientist Award 2024 Ceremony and the 25th SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar
#25 Title: Solar Eruptions: Initiation, Propagation and Their Earth Impact
Speaker: Dr. Jie Zhang
Affiliation: Department of Physics and Astronomy, George Mason University, Virginia, USA
Date/time: November 8, 2024 (Fri), 15:00-16:00 UT (10:00-11:00 EST)
#24 Title: Structure and dynamics of the heliosphere – a better understanding for better Space Weather forecasting
Speaker: Dr. Manuela Temmer
Affiliation: Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Austria
Date/time: October 9, 2024 (Wed), 11:00-12:00 UT (13:00-14:00 CEST)
The SCOSTEP Distinguished Young Scientist Award 2024 Ceremony and the 23th SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar
#23 Title: Upper Limit of Earth’s Outer Radiation Belt Electron Fluxes: How Intense Can It Get and Why?
Speaker: Dr. Man Hua
Affiliation: Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
Date/time: September 23, 2024 (Mon), 22:00-23:00 UT (15:00-16:00 PDT)
#22 Title: Space Weather Consequences of a Weak Heliospheric State
Speaker: Dr. Nat Gopalswamy
Affiliation: Heliosphysics Science Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Date/time: July 30, 2024 (Tue), 13:00-14:00 UT (09:00-10:00 EDT)
#21 Title: It’s YES for NO, O/N2 and e: Perturbative and transport effects by gravity waves in the mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere
Speaker: Dr. Hanli Liu
Affiliation: High Altitude Observatory, NCAR, USA
Date/time: April 29, 2024, 23:00-24:00 UT
#20 Title: Response of High-latitude Surface Climate to the Variation of Solar Spectral Irradiance: sensitivity studies for a Bottom-up Mechanism
Speaker: Professor Xianglei Huang
Affiliation: University of Michigan, USA
Date/time: February 13, 2024, 22:00-23:00 UT (17:00-18:00 EST)
#19 SCOSTEP Fellow Award Ceremony and 19th SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar
Title: Climate implications of solar irradiance and energetic particles: my way in science
Speaker: Dr. Eugene Rozanov
Affiliation: Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos/World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC), Davos, Switzerland
Date/time: January 23, 2024, 13:00-14:00 UT (14:00-15:00 CET)
Recording (120Mb):
#18 Title: Geo-effectiveness of interplanetary coronal mass ejections: How much can be affected due to their evolution in the heliosphere?
Speaker: Dr. Sergio Dasso
Affiliation: LAMP at the Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, UBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Date/time: October 26, 2023, 12:00-13:00 UT (09:00-10:00 ART, 07:00-08:00 CDT, 21:00-22:00 JST)
Recording (184Mb):
#17 Title: From Earth to the Edge of Space: How Data Assimilation Advances the Science and Engineering of Forecasting Near Earth Space Environments
Speaker: Dr. Tomoko Matsuo
Affiliation: Ann and H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
Date/time: August 24, 2023, 13:00-14:00 UT (07:00-08:00 MDT)
#16 Title: Solar Influence on climate via energetic particle precipitation: Why is it important and what are the current challenges?
Speaker: Dr. Annilka Seppala
Affiliation: University of Otago, New Zealand
Date/time: April 19, 2023, 08:00-09:00 UT
#15 Title: Forecasting the Extreme End of Solar Weather: Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections and SEP Event Complexes
Author: Dr. Manolis K. Georgoulis
Affiliation: RCAAM of the Academy of Athens, Greece
Date/time: September 23, 2022, 10:00-11:00 UT
#14 Title: Mesoscales and their Contribution to the Global Response: A Focus on the Magnetotail Transition Region and Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
Author: Dr. Christine Gabrielse
Affiliation: The Aerospace Corporation, USA
Date/time: July 5 (Tue), 2022, 22:00-23:00 UT
#13 Title: Ca II observations: Exploiting historical treasures for solar activity and variability studies
Author: Dr. Theodosios Chatzistergos – SCOSTEP 2022 Distinguished Young Scientist Award Winner
Affiliation: Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Gottingen, Germany
Date/time: June 16 (Thu), 2022, 12:00-13:00 UT
#12 Title: First Solar Cycle of Observations of our Heliosphere’s Interaction with the Very Local Interstellar Medium
Author: Prof. David J. McComas – SCOSTEP 2022 Distinguished Scientist Award Lecture
Affiliation: Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA
Date/time: May 11 (Wed), 2022, 14:00-15:00 UT
#11 Title: Solar-Terrestrial Coupling via Energetic Particle Precipitation
Speaker: Dr. Cora Randall
Affiliation: University of Colorado, USA
Date/time: February 10, 2022 14:00-15:00 UT
#10 Title: Understanding and Modeling Solar Eruptions: Where Do We Stand?
Speaker: Dr. Tibor Török
Affiliation: Predictive Science Inc., USA
Date/time: November 30, 2021 23:00-24:00 UT
#9 Title: Space Weather in the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System – observations and Insights from the GOLD* Mission (*Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk)
Speaker: Dr. Richard Eastes
Affiliation: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Date/time: September 23, 2021 14:00-15:00 UT
#8 Title: The Sun making history. The mechanism behind the varying amplitude of the solar cycle
Author: Prof. Dr. Kristof Petrovay
Affiliation: ELTE Eotvos Lorand University, Department of Astronomy, Hungary
Date/time: June 8 (Tue), 2021, 13:00-14:00 UT
#7 Title: Physics at the edge between Earth’s atmosphere and space
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Luebken (SCOSTEP 2021 Distinguished Service Award Winner)
Affiliation: Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Kuhlungsborn, Germany
Date/time: May 21 (Fri), 2021, 12:00-13:00 UT
#6 Title: Utilizing galactic cosmic rays as signatures of interplanetary transients
Author: Mateja Dumbovic (SCOSTEP 2020 Distinguished Young Scientist Award Winner)
Affiliation: Hvar Observatory, Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Date/time: January 19 (Tue), 2021, 12:00-13:00 UT
#5 Title: Magnetospheric Response to Interplanetary Shocks: ULF Wave-Particle Interaction Perspective
Author: Q.-G. Zong (SCOSTEP 2020 Distinguished Scientist Award Winner)
Affiliation: Institute of Space Physics and Applied Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Date/time: January 14 (Thur), 2021, 00:00-01:00 UT
#4 Title:
The Ionosphere Connection Explorer – Results from the First Year on orbit (
Seminar #4 Recording 359 Mb)
Speaker: Thomas Immel, (Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley, USA)
Date/time: November 17, 2020, 23:00-24:00 UT
#3 Title:
Developing a Highly Predictable Geomagnetic Index to Gauge Magnetospheric Activity and Space Weather (
Seminar #3 Recording; 81 Mb)
Author: Joe Borovsky (Space Science Institute, USA)
Date/time: September 10, 2020, 22:00-23:00 UT
Author: Ilya Usoskin (University of Oulu, Finland)
Date/time: July 20 (Mon), 2020, 12:00-13:00 UT
#1 Title:
A challenge to Physics-based Prediction of Giant Solar Flares (
Seminar #1 Recording; 420Mb)
Author: Kanya Kusano (Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University, Japan)
Date/time: May 26 (Tue), 2020, 12:00-13:00 UT